Physical Therapy

School-based physical therapists (PT) are related service providers and are part of a special education team.  They support a student’s ability to access his/her educational environment. As specialists in movement, they assist a student’s physical participation in a variety of settings throughout the school day. The primary role of the school PT is to help students benefit from their educational program within the educational environment.

Physical therapy is provided at schools only when it is related to educational needs. Intervention and goals in the school setting address the child’s functional needs in accessing all areas of the school curriculum. Physical therapy interventions are designed to enable the student to travel throughout the school environment; participate in classroom activities; maintain and change positions in the classroom; as well as manage stairs, restrooms, and the cafeteria. School-based therapy is not intended to meet all of the therapeutic needs of a student; rather it is intended to ensure that a child can have physical access to his or her education.

PT in a school setting can vary based on a student’s individual needs, and can include:

  • Modifying the environment to maximize participation (i.e. adaptive seating).
  • Altering expectations to maximize success and independence.
  • Educating staff to enhance physical participation.