Superintendent Update - Letter to Families - March 22, 2021

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March 22, 2021

Hello Bedford School Community,

I am saddened to be writing to you about more violence and hate that occured in our society.  This past week we witnessed yet another act of violence towards a minority group in our society.  The anti-Asian attacks in Atlanta were horrible and base acts that hurt all of us.

Poet and author Audre Lorde who reminded us that, “It is not our differences that divide us.  It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” Each of us in the Bedford Public Schools is dedicated to teaching our students the importance of embracing, understanding and celebrating our shared humanity. By understanding others better we gain an understanding of ourselves. Please know that we may not speak out every time there is an incident, but that we spend each and everyday engaging students in activities, lessons, literature, the arts, and reflection so that they understand that our human family has so much more in common and that we are where we as a species because of the contributions of individuals from every nationality, ethnicity, gender, gender-identity, race, and religion. Please help your child to explore their own history and the history of others so that they can gain a better understanding of themselves, their classmates, and their fellow citizens.  No one should live in fear, no one.

Events like those in Atlanta last week, give us pause and remind us that there is much more for each of us to do. We are fortunate in Bedford to have so many organizations that work for a better tomorrow. I encourage you to reach out to organizations such as Bedford Embraces Diversity, The Parent Diversity Counsel, The Bedford chapter of Rotary International, or any of the other organizations dedicated to fighting hate, violence, and descrimination locally, regionally, or nationally. 

And of course if you or any member of your family is fearful or have been the target of discrimination I urge you to reach out to your child’s teacher, counselor, or building principal so that we can assist you.

As always, thank you for your continued commitment to our students, our educators and our schools.


Philip Conrad

PS: On a personal note, I apologize if this note seems late in coming.  I was taking care of family business this weekend and was unable to compose these important words in a thoughtful way until now.