Referral Incentive Program for TA/BTs and Food Service Workers

I wanted to share about a pilot Referral Incentive Program for TA/BTs and Food Service Workers, designed to help address our ongoing shortage of teaching assistants/behavioral technicians and food service workers.

Current employees who refer a candidate for either of these positions will be eligible for a two-part incentive. At the end of 45 days of employment of the new TA/BT or Food Service worker, the referring employee would receive a one-time payout of $250. In addition, at the conclusion of the FY24 school year, if both the referring and the referred employee are still employed and in good standing in the district, the referring employee would receive an additional one-time payout of $250, payable in the final pay period of June 2024.

The incentive would expire when the district has employed up to 12 new TAs/EAs and up to 6 new food service employees, or on June 30, 2024, whichever comes first. HR Director Gillian Chartier has prepared this referral form:BPS Referral Incentive Form and can answer any questions about this program.